To offer PayPal as a payment option in Edens, you’ll need to provide your PayPal account email and client ID. Here’s how to set it up:


Create a PayPal Business Account

Make sure you have an active PayPal business account. If you don’t have one, you can create a new PayPal account easily here.


Access the PayPal Developer Dashboard


Test with Sandbox Mode

If you want to test PayPal payment ensure that the toggle between “Sandbox” and “Live” is set to “Sandbox” mode. This allows you to test payments without processing real funds.


Navigate to Apps & Credentials

Click on “Apps & Credentials” in the menu bar.


Create a PayPal App

Click the “Create App” button and fill out the form. Provide a name for your PayPal app to easily identify it in the future.


Generate Client ID

Choose whether you’ll be generating a Client ID and Secret Key for processing payments as a merchant or a platform. For Edens, select the merchant account option. Once you’ve created the app, you’ll see your PayPal client ID. Copy this client ID.


Add PayPal Payment Method to Edens

Go to the “Workspace” page in Edens and click on the “Payment Methods” tab. Click “Add new payment method” button and select “PayPal” as the payment method. Enter your PayPal account email and paste the client ID you copied earlier. Click “Create” to add the PayPal payment method to your invoices.


Get Paid with PayPal

You can now use PayPal as a payment method for the invoices you create. The customer will be able to pay these invoices online. Currently we do not synchronize with PayPal to automatically mark invoices as paid - this feature will be added later and we will let you know about it.