What is a team?

When working together with other people, it is considered a team. Typical examples of a team include an agency, bureau, and so on.

Teammates are the people you work with. You can add them to your Edens workspace to assign them to projects and manually track their time. This article will explore how to add teammates, invite them to your workspace, and manage their roles and permissions.

Adding teammates

To add a teammate in Edens, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the “Team” page in the left navigation menu.
  2. Click the “New Teammate” button.
  3. Enter at least one of the form fields, such as the teammate’s name or email address.
  4. If you want to assign the new teammate to specific projects, select them in the “Add to projects”.
  5. To provide admin access (the same as for workspace owner), toggle the switch on.
  6. Click “Create”.
To invite new teammate by email click “Send invitation” toggle while creating a teammate.

Inviting teammates

You don’t necessarily need to invite a teammate to your workspace to add them. However, if you want them to track time and access projects, you’ll need to invite them.

To invite a teammate to your workspace, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the “Team” page.
  2. Click the “Invite” button next to the relevant teammate.
  3. Create the invitation by clicking the “Invite” button.
  4. If the teammate has an email set, they will receive an invitation email.
  5. You will also receive an invitation link that can be shared with the teammate to accept the invitation.

Once the teammate accepts the invitation, they will be able to see projects where they are a member, track time, and add manual time to their projects.

Understanding teammate roles and permissions

Edens has different roles and permissions for different teammates. Here’s an overview of the different roles and their corresponding permissions:

User RoleTime TrackingProject ManagementInvoices
Project Member• Add time for yourself• View / Edit own projects
• View / Edit / Remove own time entries (if they weren’t attached to any invoice)• No access• No access
Project Admin• Add time for any project member• View / Edit / Remove any project member’s projects
• View / Edit / Remove time entries for any project member (if they weren’t attached to any invoice)• No access• No access
Workspace Admin• View any time entries• Add / Edit / Remove time entries for any project member (if they weren’t attached to any invoice)• Full access

The workspace admin always has access to all projects in the workspace. Adding them as a member of a project is optional.

If a teammate has the “admin” role inside a project, they can create, update, and delete time records on behalf of other project members before these records are added to the invoice.

You can also provide full admin access to a teammate. In this case, they will have the same permissions as the workspace owner.

Managing teammate roles and permissions

If you need to provide admin access to other teammates, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the “Team” page.
  2. Click on the teammate’s name to view their profile.
  3. Click on the “Edit” button.
  4. Turn “Provide admin access” toggle on to give full access to the workspace.
  5. Click “Save”.

To give admin access for a specific project go to “Project” > “Members” page.

Following these tips, you can easily manage teammates in your Edens workspace, assign them projects, and track their time. Understanding teammate roles and permissions is essential to ensure your team members have access to perform their tasks effectively and efficiently.