
Integrating Edens with Zapier lets you connect Edens to various apps, automating various tasks. It simplifies your workflow by handling repetitive tasks, giving you more time for other work.

Supported Events


Invoice Issued

Triggers when an invoice is issued.

Invoice Processing

Triggers when an invoice is processing.

Invoice Paid

Triggers when an invoice is paid.


New Invitation Created

Triggers when an invitation is created.

Invitation Accepted

Triggers when an invitation is accepted.

Time Off Requests

Time Off Request Created

Triggers when a time off request is created.

Time Off Request Updated

Triggers when a time off request is updated.

Time Off Request Deleted

Triggers when a time off request is deleted.


New Signed Contract

Triggers when a contract is signed.

How to setup Zapier?


Log In or Sign Up on Zapier

Access your Zapier account or create a new one.


Create a New Zap

Initiate a new Zap setup within Zapier.


Set Up a Trigger

Choose “Edens” as the trigger app in your Zap configuration.


Connect with Edens

Enter your Application ID and Integration Key, found in the Webhooks section of Edens Workspace Settings.


Select an Event for the Trigger

Choose the specific event in Edens that will trigger your Zap.


Configure the Destination

Select and configure the destination app where the data or action from Edens will be sent.


Test and Publish

Test your Zap to ensure it works as expected, then publish it to automate your workflow.